Photos, Art Prints, Metal Panels, Canvas Wraps
Printed on Photo Paper
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Printed on Photo Paper
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Online Printing System is a prepress process that bridges the gap between online digital content and commercial print production. The process allows a print house, a client or a graphic designer to create, edit, and approve computer-based online templates during the prepress phase. This process increasingly calls for a Portable Document Format (PDF) workflow environment with output provided by digital printing.
This solution will make your company run more efficiently and profitably by streamlining your business processes, maximizing your resources and eliminating redundant operations.
There are three options for designing and customizing a product. Click a product on the left-hand panel and choose one of the options.
1. Custom Design: lets you customize the products. Click it to open the design studio and use multiple tools to create your own design.
2. Upload Design: using this option, you can upload your own JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EPS, AI, PDF and PSD images.
3. Browse Design: use this to select hundreds of pre-loaded templates. Work on them or customize them through our design studio.
Watkins Printing 110 West 1200 South | Logan, 84321, USA
E-mail sales@printwatkins.com
TELEPHONE USA: (435) 752-5235